The lower back is one of the most important areas of the body that needs to be protected and exercised in order for senior citizens to feel comfortable walking, sitting, and standing.
Every movement the body makes begins with the spine, so an injury to this area of the body can have devastating consequences for elderly individuals.
The spine and lower back are held stable by numerous tiny muscles that work together to create subtle movements that are required for balance. Doing back strengthening exercises is important for seniors to be able to continue functioning independently in their daily lives.
Not all back strengthening exercises are appropriate for senior citizens. Back exercises should always incorporate a stabilizing aspect to keep the lower back tight while the other muscles around it stretch.
For example; a good lower back exercise might stretch the muscles at the back of the leg, but the lower back itself should remain stable and engaged. In this way, the lower back is strengthened and the spinal muscles learn to contract and create stability in response to leg movement.
Here are some examples of exercises you can do to help strengthen your lower back...
Bent Knee Raise
The bent knee raise is an excellent beginner level exercise for seniors. It is simple and effective, and it requires very little effort. This particular exercise is especially useful for increasing abdominal and lower back strength. If performed regularly, it can improve your ability to move fluidly and can reduce the pain associated with a lack of lumbar support and stability.
1. To do the supine bent knee raise, first start by laying on your back with your knees bent and your hands placed palm down on either side of your body. You may use a pillow to support your head if needed. Place a blanket or small pillow under the arch of your back so that your belly button is pushed forward and your abdominal muscles are engaged.
2. Slowly lift one knee up and bring it toward your chest. Don’t push too far, only go as far as you are comfortable.
3. Lift your other knee up toward your chest and bring it to meet your other knee.
4. Hold both of your knees up for 5 seconds, and then lower them back down to their starting position.
5. Repeat the exercise with the other leg until you have done the bent knee raise 10 times on both sides.
As you do the bent knee raise, it is important to remember to breathe. It’s recommended that you breathe in when you lift your knees, and then breathe out when you are lowering your knees back down. If you want to make this exercise more difficult, you may put on ankle weights that weigh one or two pounds each. However, do not add ankle weights until you have done this exercise a few times without them and you feel completely comfortable with the extra resistance.
Cat and Camel
The cat and camel exercise is a beginner’s stretch that strengthens the abdominal muscles and keeps the hips limber. It is an exercise that most seniors will be able to do relatively easily. The cat and camel will help seniors maintain or regain the ability to turn and maneuver in their everyday lives without the fear of losing their balance. This exercise is best performed at least three to five times per week but doing it on a daily basis is even better.
1. Start on all fours, either positioned on the ground using a yoga mat or another soft surface, or on the bed if preferred. Your knees should be a few inches apart, and your hands should be shoulder-width apart with your fingers facing forward. At this point, your back should be straight.
2. Making sure to keep your abdominal muscles active, begin to arch your back and lift your head so that your eyes are looking up (if possible). Do this movement gently and maintain a firm awareness of your body as you move, stopping if you feel discomfort or pain.
3. Next, move so that your back forms a curve upwards, and lower your head so that you are looking at the ground (or better yet, toward your bellybutton and legs!). Again, always be aware of how your body feels, and keep your abdominal muscles active.
4. Repeat this movement 10 times. Breathe in when you arch your back down and breathe out when you curve your back up.
Bridging is a simple exercise that helps to strengthen the core including the abs as well as the lower back. It will stretch your hip flexors at the same time and give you a greater range of motion. This is an exercise that you’ll want to perform 3 to 5 times each week to glean the greatest benefits from it. With a little coaching, it’s an exercise that can even be performed by seniors while they are still in bed.
1. Start by laying down on a padded surface such as a yoga mat with your knees bent, hips neutral, and feet flat on the floor. Your arms should be at your sides.
2. Slowly raise your bottom off the ground until your spine is no longer on the floor.
3. Tighten your buttocks and then slowly lower your body back down to the mat.
This exercise can increase balance to enhance your ability to stand and walk.
Arm Raises (from position lying down)
Arm raises are an extremely simple and very effective way to improve your posture and increase mobility in the upper and middle back. Being able to utilize the full range of movement in your arms and shoulders is absolutely essential, and doing arm raises is a good way to strengthen your upper back and shoulder muscles quickly. This particular exercise may be done from a lying down position, either on the floor or on the bed.
1. Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and your palms facing downward on either side of your body. You may wish to use a pillow to support your head. Position a pillow or blanket under your lower back as extra support.
2. From this lying-down position, raise one arm up until your hand is straight up in the air. Slowly lower it back down again.
3. Repeat the exercise with the other arm. You will do this exercise 10 times for each arm.
When you lift your arm, breathe in. When you lower it, breathe out. Though arm raises are very easy, it’s still important to be conscious of your entire back and body, and remember to not rotate, turn, or strain your lower back in any way.
Standing Reverse Leg Lifts
Standing reverse leg lifts are an intermediate exercise that works the glutes, lower back, and lower abdominal muscles. The back plays a large role in leg and lower body mobility, so taking the time to involve the legs in your back exercises will pay off in the long run. Standing reverse leg lifts are relatively easy to perform, but they require you to already have some balance and strength, so don’t worry if it takes some time to work up to a perfect reverse leg lift!
1. Begin by standing up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your hands resting lightly on a chair or countertop in front of you. Keep your shoulders back and chin up during the entire exercise.
2. Lift one leg and extend it straight out behind you. You may only be able to lift your leg off the floor a little bit the first time, and that’s fine! Do what you feel is comfortable and safe.
3. Hold your leg off the floor for a count of 5, and then gently lower your foot back down to the ground and return it to its starting position. Repeat with the other leg.
Do this exercise 5 times on each leg. Remember to do most of the lifting with your abdominal muscles.
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